Project Description

Gadre Group of Companies started business in 1929. Initially trading in food grain, grocery and tea powder. Branches were opened in Mumbai, Pune, Karad, Sangli  & Ratnagiri in addition to head  office at Kolhapur. In 1942 Tea business was started on a very large scale and offices were opened in Calcutta & Guwahati to purchase the tea in auctions. We are  registered auction buyer of tea and deal in loose as well as packet tea of our own brands.

In 1969 we entered into manufacturing activity of horizontal type, slow speed diesel engines under the name M/s Gadre Industries in Kolhapur. Thereafter in 1971 ‘petter type’ high speed engine manufacturing was started. In 1996 the company developed a small light weight series of engines. Presently the company is having basic product range of 3.5 H.P. to 24 HP, suitable for various sectors. Marketing in domestic market through our own dealers & distributors chain as well as exporting to different countries.

we have supplied 1000 nos of engines in a single consignment within a period of 2 months to Egypt. Our annual group turnover is Rs 400 million.

Contact Us

  • Survey No.289, Kaneriwadi, Near M.A.I.D.C. Fertilizer Factory, M.I.D.C. Gokul Shirgaon, KOLHAPUR-416234.

  • +91-231-2671318 / 2671418
