Project Description


Naano Lab India for Laboratory instruments/equipments and Lab Furniture of outstanding quality, reliability, performance, Architect, facilities managers, and scientist count on Naano Lab India for Furniture and Lab Instruments that looks great and performs even better.

When Faced with the challenge of designing your new laboratory or planning a lab renovation there are many decisions to consider. NAANOLAB INDIA strives to support you in that process. Our team of professionals will help you create a laboratory that best meets your needs to come.

We offer solid, bespoke laboratory Instruments Like Stability Chambers, Walk-in Stability Chamber, Walk-in Cooling Chambers, BOD Incubators, Incubator Shakers, Deep freezer & Lab furniture in our Naano Lab India Range.

We manufacture quality solid Naano Lab India Laboratory Instruments/Equipments ideal for Pharmaceutical Industries, Chemical industry, Paint Industry, R&D Centers, colleges, universities and the business and research worlds too.