Project Description

3 Decades i.e 30 years. is a long time to stay in business,that to successfully .Sience 1972,Trio Enterprises has shown the way in the manufacturing of Auto,Gas and Diesel engine components for the ever growing and rapidly expanding requriments of the “New technology driven industrial markets,Be its domestic or international clients like Mahindra & Mahindra ,TATA ,Johan Deere,Wastila or International Cars & Motors,Trio Enterprises has always provided pivotal support to all, through high quality finished products and on time delivery schedules.

Highly competitive and “time constrained” driven markets require better and improved product qualities with tighter delivery schdeules.We have transitioned ourseleves into living up,to the requriments and expectations of these modern markets.As you flips over through the pages ahead,we are certain,that in us you will find ,a globally competitive manufacturing shop,producting globally competitive products